Our Customers
Wiener Philharmoniker |
Wiener Staatsoper |
Wiener Hofmusikkapelle |
philBlech Wien |
Stephansdom Wien |
University of music and perfoming arts Vienna |
University of music and performing arts Graz |
Orchesterakademie Ossiach |
Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität |
Wiener Residenzorchester |
Opernhaus Graz |
Stadthauptpfarre St.Jakob in Villach |
Philharmoniker Wien Nagoya |
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz Expositur Oberschützen |
Volksoper Wien |
Norwegian Academy of Music |
Stadttheater Klagenfurt |
Musik AG |
MusicAeterna |
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra |
Mozarteumorchester Salzburg |
Leipziger Symphonieorchester |
Tiroler Landestheater / Tiroler Symphonieorchester |
Dompfarre Insbruck |
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra |
Teatro Mayor in Bogota |
Musikhaus Lechner KG |
Düsseldorfer Symphoniker |
SWR Symphony Orchestra | Chamber Orchestra Waidhofen

Jochen Brenner
Michael Israelievitch
Together with our chief conductor Teodor Currentzis we began to perform the orchestra literature, which was composed with the sound ideal of the Wiener Pauken, also on these timpanis.
With his "Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH", Anton Mittermayr succeeds Hans Schnellar, who developed the model of the Wiener Pauken under Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss, which is still being built by Anton Mittermayr in a technically improved, yet tonally unchanged form.
In the meantime, we have performed many major works on his timpani "Modell Mahler", and the feedback from our orchestra colleagues through all the instrumental sections was very good. Especially the clear articulation, together with a very dark and warm sound has always been noticed positvely.
Not only our "Chief", but also other conductors are enthusiastic about this sound.
We are very happy to be able to complement our range of instruments with these beautiful timpanis.
Further more, Anton Mittermayr is a very competent and helpful advisor, who always takes care that the instruments are being adjusted to the optimum.
Jochen Brenner and Michael Israelievitch
Solo-Timpanist of SWR Symphonieorchester

Peter Dullnig
The long-proven traditional Viennese timpani sound, carefully brought into the modern age!
This is how the timpani models made by the "Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH" company can be described. As a active percussionist who was trained in Vienna and is an advocate of this sound culture, I can highly recommend the instruments made by Anton Mittermayr.
Peter Dullnig
Percussionist of the Orchestra of the Wiener Volksoper
philBlech Wien

Erwin Falk
The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra distinguishes themsleves by their distinct sound, which they are known for all over the world. One of the reasons for this individuality is the use and further developement of special instruments. Prime examples are the Vienna oboe, Vienna horn and of course the handcrank timpani using goat pelts.
Hans Schnellar has invented them, developed them over decades and refined them in detail. Richard Hochrainer was surely a key figure when it came to perfecting the "Schnellar timpanis".
I am delighted that these outstanding instruments are now made by my colleague Anton Mittermayr, who is continuing a long and successful tradition of our orchestra.
Erwin Falk
Solopauker der Wiener Philharmoniker

Martin Kerschbaum
Anton Mittermayr’s Viennese timpani production has succeeded to combine the sound tradition of the 19th century and today’s best possible technical perfection in hand manufactory. There is probably no other timpani, that has as much character and specific sound spectrum as the ones of „Wiener Pauken“ Production. It is a stroke of luck for us timpanists and teachers, that Mittermayr produces these instruments to this day and even more, offers a complete repair- and timpani skin service.
Martin Kerschbaum
Solotimpani Wiener Symphonier 1983 – 2008
Univ. Prof. for Percussion at the University for Music and dramatic Art in Graz/Oberschützen

Peter Kreckel
It is a pure joy to be able to play Mr. Mittermayrs timpanis!
First of all it is a exhilarating feeling to know, that the traditional instruments that we play on, have already been favoured instruments by both Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss.
Second of all these timpanis are specially convincing by their „chamber music like sound quality for a symphony orchestra“. They sound always elegant and even in extreme fortissimo, never aggressiv! With soft Drum sticks (of course played on goat skin), the instruments develop a romantically deep sound, which I for instance highly value in Bruckner.
By using hard flannel drum sticks I can emphasize and characterize the works of the early and high romanticism. The speciality of Mr. Mittermayr’s timanis is, that even with use of the hard flannel sticks, they still fill the room with a round and warm sound. This is also the case with classical compositions, where cork or fabric – drum sticks are used.
The fact, that the Wiener Pauken are „only“ hand crank timpanis, makes playing them even more attractive. I have to prepare myself much more intensly towards the repertoire played and have to take care of the instrument much more than I have ever done, but that effort gets rewarded in the concert by the wonderful sound. This is always confirmed by my colleagues as well as the conductors.
One more word about the Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH: Mr: Mittermayr looks after „his timpanists“ always in the interest of his customers. He is very helpful and prepared to give supportive advice towards optimizing the playing on his timpanis as well as their maintenance.
Peter Kreckel
Freelance timpanist in Germany, amongst others in Kurpfälzischen Kammerochester Mannheim
Bachorchester Mainz
L'arpa festant
Darmstäder Hofkapelle et al

Thomas Lechner
Colorful, powerful, focused and rich sound, dark, profound and warm:
These are the acustical characteristiques of the Wiener Pauken, which have lead to an exceptional and unique sound experience already for generations.
I am happy and grateful, that Anton Mittermayr – timpanist of the Wiener Philharmoniker and a highly competent as well as reliable partner - has taken over the responsibility to manufacture these special instruments.
As one of the very first customers of the „Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH“, I have witnessed a continuous development of technical details and play now a set of 6 timpanis of the model „Mahler“, which stands out by its elegant appearance besides its typical euphony.
I wish all musicians and music lovers endlessly joyful moments with these fabulous timpanis!
Thomas Lechner
Wiener Philharmoniker
University Professor of the percussion department at the University for Music and dramatic Art Graz

Oliver Madas
The timpani is – if you want to refrain from flexatones and musical saws – the only percussion instrument in which intonation plays a role. Viennese timpanis have a very characteristic sound which is caused by the way they are made and by the use of goatskin. When it comes to issues such as drumstick choice, playing movement and sound presentation in the context of musical practice and phrasing transitions, they have particular requirements for the musicians.
Teaching such skills to students is always the central focus of my pedagogical considerations and this is why it is no question for me to use mainly instruments made by Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH in my timpani classes.
Oliver Madas
Persussionist of the Wiener Philharmoniker and Wiener Staatsoper
Professor for Percussion at the Pedagogical Department of the University for music and dramatical Arts, Vienna

Karin Meissl
Leonhard Königseder
For us timpanists respectively percussionists of the Grazer Oper it is a great joy to be able to also follow the tradition of Graz, the playing on Schnellar timpanis, by using these Wiener Pauken.
Anton Mittermayer's instruments stand out by their excellent sound quality and meticulous workmanship. Above all we would like to highlight the service and the perfect customer orientation. Therefore it was obvious to give preference to the "Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH" and we can highly recommend them..
Karin Meissl
1st timpanist Oper Graz
Leonhard Königseder
ass. timpanist and 1st percussionist Oper Graz

Murbach Musik AG
It is a great honor to be able to offer Wiener Pauken "Modell Mahler" in our rental. These hand-crafted timpanis complete our repertoire of orchestral timpanist in a ideal way and enrich our sound variety.
With Mr. Mittermayr as the builder, but also as a player of these timpanis, we know for sure to have an experienced expert on our side, whatever questions may occur.
Emil Bolli
Murbach Musik AG

Tomas Nilsson
It is a great pleasure to play on the Schnellartimpani. The sound interacts in a fantastic way and speaks to every other individual instrument of the orchestra. The craftsmanship behind the instruments is on the highest level and you get impressed by the simple yet sophisticated construction. Thank you Anton for great support!
Tomas Nilsson
Principal timpanist Swedish Radio Symphony orchestra

Benjamin Schmidinger
“Tradition is not holding the ashes, instead it is passing the flame.” This quote by Gustav Mahler is what the Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH have made made to their credo!
Mr Anton Mittermayr, as his predecessors Hans Schneller and Richard Hochrainer, have been successful in continuing the tradition of the Viennese hand-crank timpanis with his company Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH.
Whether in the Vienna State Opera, with the Vienna Philharmonic, or with phil Blech Wien, it is always a joy to play on these instruments. In my opinion, the timpanis made by Mr Mittermayr are versatile and because of their speciality using goatskin they produce the wonderfully round and dark Viennese timpani sound.
Benjamin Schmidinger
Wiener Staatsoper
Wiener Philharmoniker
phil Blech Wien

Günther Steurer
Since my studies at the Mozarteum Salzburg I have been enthusiastic about the Wiener Pauken and their characteristic sound.
I am very happy to have found this quality again in these perfectly manufactured instruments by Mr. Mittermayr.
Mag. Günther Steurer
1. Solopauker Kärntner Sinfonieorchester

Dimitrov Svetlosar
The Wiener Pauke is unique. It is one of a kind, something special. The Viennese classical music audience is almost the only audience worldwide, that gets the listening pleasure of this extraordinary manufacture, except for if one is able to experience the Vienna Philharmonic on tour.
As a professional musician I very much appreciate the timbre of these timpanis; they are more tonal than others. The special construction, the use of goat skin and the hand crank system have convinced me from the very beginning.
When I am part of an orchestration as a timpanist, the Wiener Pauken challenge me over and over in a positive way: Tuning them requires good hearing as well as good knowledge of the piece in detail.
The audience will be „rewarded“ with a wonderful musical experience. Maybe not every single person in the audience will consciously appreciate the specific characteristique of this instrument, but I am sure that the Wiener Pauke contributes to making every concert experience with this timpani something unique.
There is good reason why leading conductors and leaders of the Vienna Philharmonic and the Vienna Stateopera have loved and preferred the use of these timpanis over the last decades as well as in the presence.
My rental instrument company for orchestra and music students rents out the Wiener Pauke with greatest pleasure. Specially with music students I find it very important, that we can hand over these traditional instruments to the next generation.
In this context I would specially like to mention Anton Mittermayr. He is manufacturer of the Wiener Pauken, solo timpanist of the Vienna Philharmonic and as the only manufacturer professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna as well as the Conservatorium Vienna. I highly appreciate his work.
Dimitrov Svetlosar
freelancing timpanist

Tom Vissgren
The Norwegian Academy of Music purchased two timpani made by Anton Mittermayr/Wiener Pauken company. The instruments is first class. The sound is impeccable, the blending quality likewise.
Tom Vissgreen
Associate Professor The Norwegian Academy of Music and
Principal Timpanist of The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra

Tom Vissgren
Anton Mittermayr paid the Oslo Philharmonic a visit to do some maintenance work on our Schnellar Timpani. His craftmanship is without any doubt the best. The timps sound great.
Tom Vissgreen
Principal Timpanist of The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra

Tomoko Yoshida
My name is Tomoko Yoshida and we usually use the Wiener Pauken in the J Philharmoniker.
We love the sound of the Wiener Pauken. The sound is deep and clear, it sounds very nice to our ears and with no other instrument this sound can be achieved, which makes the Wiener Pauken a real treasure to us.
I can highly recommend these unique instruments made by Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH to any timpanist, who is seeking for a more beautiful, simply wonderful sound. I am very proud to be able to play on my Wiener Pauken and enjoy every moment of it. Recent performances on my Wiener Pauken have included Beethoven's "Eroica" and Strauss' "Fledermaus".
Thank you very much!
Tomoko Yoshida

Robert Zorn
Beauty in sound, tranparency and the ability to blend in the orchestra sound are the most striking features of „Wiener Pauken“, which also impress with their easy handling and aesthetics in manufacturing.
Robert Zorn
Solo Timpanist of Tiroler Symphonie Orchester, Innsbruck