..: March 2021 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Bad Reichenhaller Philharmoniker as our customers!
..: February 2021 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome L`orchestre National de Lyon as our customers!
..: September 2020 :..
You will find the new movie concerning mounting of goat skins under the button "Products"
..: June 2020 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome University Mozarteum Salzburg as our customers!
..: March 2020 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Stadttheater Baden as our customers!
It is a great pleasure to welcome RSO Wien as our customers!
..: December 2019 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome MusicAeterna as our customers!
..: June 2019 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Chamber Orchestra Waidhofen as our customer!
..: February 2019 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome SWR Symphony Orchestra as our customers!
..: December 2018 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Düsseldorfer Symphoniker as our customers!
..: November 2018 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Teatro Mayor in Bogota as our customers!
..: October 2018 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Swedish Radio Symphonie Orchestra as our customers and Gema Percussion (Webseite) as our servicepartner in Scandinavia!
..: March 2018 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Tiroler Landestheater / Tiroler Symphonieorchester and Dompfarre Innsbruck as our customers!
..: January 2018 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Leipziger Symphonieorchester Musikhaus Lechner KG as our customers!
As of March 2018, you can rent our instruments at Musikhaus Lechner KG (Website)!
..: December 2017 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Murbach Musik AG and Oslo Philharmonic Orchester as our customers!
From now on, you can rent our insturments at Murbach Musik (Website) mieten!
..: November 2017 :..
Press release: Article "Wiener Bezirksblatt" (view as PDF-File or as
..: July 2017 :..
Press release: Article "PRESSE" (view as PDF-File or as
..: February 2017 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Norwegian Academy of Music and Stadttheater Klagenfurt as our customers!
..: January 2017 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Mozarteumorchester Salzburg as our customers!
..: December 2016 :..
Press release: Article "PRESSE Edition" (view as PDF-File or as
..: September 2016 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome the Universität der Music und darstellenden Kund in Graz Expositur Oberschützen and Volksoper Wienh as our customers!
..: May 2016 :..

Now and only avialable at only avialable at Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH - premium goat parchment by "Gerberei EDLAUER" ( - which we have processed and is provided with quality seal!
..: April 2015 :..
We are very pleased to welcome Philharmoiker Wien-Nagoya as our customers!
..: November 2014 :..
It is a great pleasure to welcome Opernhaus Graz and Stadthauptpfarre St.Jakob, Villach as our customers!
..: Februar 2014 :..
We are very pleased to be able to announce, that as from February 1st 2014 the company „Wiener Schlaginstrumentenbau“ (please visit is part of the Wiener Pauken Produktions GmbH.
We warmly welcome our new customers!